Deaths in New Zealand in Relationship between Covid-19 Vaccination & all Cause Mortality. The Reporting of Adverse Affects from Experimental Vaccines should be “Mandatory” – Dr Chris Martenson via Peak Prosperity.

Deaths in New Zealand – Shocking Data

At the beginning of Covid19, people who died from car accidents and other unrelated or unknown causes were marked down as Covid-19.deaths. This was to validate and give credence to the existance of a new deadly viral pandemic and an excuse to create a death vax. When the blood clotting vaccines came out, the death rates went up like a rocket, Now they are trying to cover up the extreme surge of deaths from the clot shots by saying people died because they were unvaccinated (even if they already had 2 shots), or the person died because they had a previously undiagnosed heart problem or some other bs. A significant number of the population are knoiwn to have some some sort of medical/physical condition. They are exploiting this info to cover up their criminal depopulation agenda – e.g. he/she was obese, had diabetes, brain damage, heart flutter and died from that, or would have died anyway. People are dying days or weeks after their shots, some on the very same day. They keep changing the narrative to suit the latest load of bs they want convey. If they were honest they would have to admit that they, the elites want the planet for themselves plus a few slaves. Also they don’t want to fork out for pensioners, the disabled and others they call vulnerable or useless eaters. They want to wipe out our memories again like they did during previous resets. They want to add more animal DNA to our mix like they did before with monkeys (Generally the elites are Rh neg).

Extract from a NZ Doctor’s letter accusing the NZ Medical Council of having “Blood on their Hands” and being Silent about Vax Deaths.

Dr Alanna Ratna Interview with Liz Gunn